LUNG presents



Evening Standard


'This is the beginning of the end of the housing crisis.'

On 19th October 2013, 29 sheltering single mothers and children received eviction letters. Faced with the treat of skyrocketing rent of forced eviction, these women launched a campaign that pushed housing to the top of the political agenda.

From the Houses of Parliament to the streets of Newham, this piece of documentary theatre is adapted exclusively from real-life testimonies to provide a truthful re-telling of a national issue and how one group of women refused to be marginalized.

  • Cast / 2019 Battersea arts

    Emily Cairns
    Isis Davis
    Paul Gorostidi
    Danielle Philips
    Bianca Stephens
    Will Taylor

    Cast / 2018 Edinburgh / CTN cast

    Josh Finan
    Erica Jeffrey
    Franseca Knight
    Evlyne Oyedokun
    Danielle Philips
    Will Taylor

  • The Focus E15 Campaign

  • Set & Costume Designer
    Rebecca Cartwright

    Ellie Claughton

    Sound Designer
    Owen Crouch

    Stage Manager
    Rebecca Moore

    Assistant Stage Manager
    Marie Angelique St-Hill

    Helen Monks & Matt Woodhead

    Lighting Designer
    Will Monks

    Assistant Director
    Tamar Saphra

    Matt Woodhead

  • Battersea Arts Centre
    The Lowry
    The Civic in Barnsley
    Arts Council England

    E15 was commissioned by Battersea Arts Centre and developed with The Lowry & The Civic in Barnsley

  • ‘exciting, fast-paced production’


  • ‘Loud, raucous and angry, but also deceptively disciplined and focused’


  • ‘as a call-to-arms, it’s victorious’


  • ‘Urgent, big-hearted response to the housing crisis'


  • 'five striking and enthralling performances'


  • The Focus E15 campaign was born in September 2013 when a group of young mothers were served eviction notices by East Thames Housing Association after Newham Council cut its funding to the Focus E15 hostel for young homeless people. When they approached the Council for help, the mothers were advised that, due to cuts to housing benefit and the lack of affordable housing in London, they would have accept private rented accommodation as far away as Manchester, Hastings and Birmingham if they wanted rehousing.

    This attempt by Newham Council to displace the mothers from London, removing them and their children from their families and local support networks, is just one example of a city-wide process of social cleansing, with low income people being forced to the fringes of London and beyond by soaring rents, benefit cuts, and a shortage of social housing.

    This prompted the mothers to get organised and demand social housing, not social cleansing!

  • In the year since its inception, the campaign has gone from strength to strength, with a weekly stall in Stratford, an occupation of Newham Council’s housing office, and a march of several hundred supporters to Newham Town Hall all contributing towards the mothers’ growing national profile. The campaign has been a thorn in the side of unsympathetic Mayor of Newham Robin Wales, whose aggressive behaviour  was the subject of an internal investigation after a complaint was sent to the council about the way he treated Focus E15 campaigners at the Newham Mayor’s Show in July 2014.

  • On September 21st 2014, the Focus E15 campaign celebrated its first birthday with an occupation of a disused block of flats on the nearly empty Carpenters Estate in Stratford, East London. This action draws attention to the fact that people are being forced out of London due to a lack of affordable housing while thousands of perfectly good social housing units sit empty. The occupied flats were opened to the public and ran as a social centre for two weeks, with an evolving program of daily events, including workshops, meetings, and music and comedy gigs.

    ​The campaign continues to meet weekly in Stratford. More actions are planned. In the words of Jasmin and Sam ‘This is the beginning of the end of the housing crisis’.

Carpenters Estate Occupation




The 56