A campaign led
arts charity
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LUNG: Campaigning to make hidden voices heard.
We work closely with different communities,
using people’s real words to tell their stories. LUNG tours work nationally to campaign for change. We believe in the power of making hidden voices heard.
Over the past eight years, our productions have played over 350 performances with accompanying workshops to over 53,000 people across the UK.
Our work has been performed at the Houses of Parliament, won multiple awards (including the Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award) for social impact and our educational packs have been distributed in over 275 state schools alongside CPD training for teachers.
LUNG’s Productions have also been adapted for radio and broadcast to over 2.6 million people on BBC Radio 4. See our Productions
‘LUNG are proud to deliver targeted work, using the arts as a vehicle for social change. We currently work with young carers, families bereaved by a death in prison and care experienced young people a chance to get creative in a range of ways.
We also work in partnership with Harrow Arts Centre to develop the next generation of artists. You can find out more about our Young Creatives programme by clicking here.’
At LUNG, the production is just the beginning. We are dedicated to shaping policy and achieving tangible political change.
The Who Cares Campaign is dedicated to advocating for the rights of young carers across the UK. We are proud to work closely with The Children’s Society, Carers Trust and Young Carers National Voice to make the voices of hidden heroes heard.
The End Prevent Campaign is a creative campaign to end the Government's Prevent Policy. We are proud to be partners with Maslaha in challenging this harmful programme.
The No More Deaths Campaign calls for more transparency, responsibility and accountability from inquests, inquiries, official reviews, and investigations into state related deaths. This campaign is run by INQUEST and supported by LUNG.